Western High School Alumni
Las Vegas, Nevada (NV)
Celeste Green
Western High School
Class of 1984
→ Join 4938 Alumni from Western High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 66 classes, starting with the class of 1948 all the way up to class of 2024.
Class of 1984 Alumni
→ Reunite with 151 class of 1984 alumni that have joined.
Meleah Andersen
Class of 1990
Rachel Rachel Swygert
Class of 2001
Chase Sulzinger
Class of 2003
Christopher Arnold
Class of 1990
John Heiner
Class of 1990
Jamie Evancho
Class of 2009
David Duran
Class of 1982
Deloris Bradford
Class of 1973
Kim Fromhart
Class of 1972
Cynthia Lippmann
Class of 1972
James Wilmot
Class of 1996
Delynn Schroeder
Class of 1997
Dustin Holt
Class of 1988
Jackie Burns
Class of 2000
Wade Chalfant
Class of 1977
Don Doran
Class of 1967
Mike Smith
Class of 1993
Adam Mayberry
Class of 1988
Kenny Suazo
Class of 2000
Kim Burbank
Class of 1988
Karen Grant
Class of 1972
Deshawn Johnston
Class of 1998
Rhett Watkins
Class of 1988
Jim Cross
Class of 1972
Recent Class of 1984 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1984 Reunion for Free
Class of '84 30 year Re-Reunion
Invited Classes: 1984
Date: Apr 25, 2015
Description: If you were unable to attend the official 30 year reunion (or if you did attend), we would like to invite you for a casu...(read more)
Class of 1984 Reunion
Invited Classes: 1984
Date: Oct 18, 2014
Description: Thanks to everyone who came and made this a wonderful party. There are a few reunion t-shirts still available. If you ...(read more)