Westhill High School Alumni

Stamford, Connecticut (CT)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Ari Vogel
Ari Vogel
Class of 1995
Army, 4 Years

September 6, 2010 Honorable discharge. Served in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Hood, Texas and Mosul, Iraq. Worked as a Human Resources Specialist. As well, credited by Rabbi David Goldstrom, then Fort Hood Rabbi, as having set up a weekly Friday night Jewish prayer service in Mosul, Iraq where none existed.
Ari Vogel
Ari Vogel
Class of 1995
Army, 4 Years

Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Fort Hood, Texas; and Mosul, Iraq. Worked as Human Resources Specialist. Set up a weekly Friday night Jewish prayer service and brought a Rabbi to Mosul, Iraq during 15 months deployed there. Received Honorable discharge, and completed Bachelor of Arts in English from University of Maryland in 2010. Thank you.
Aristotle Alviso
Aristotle Alviso
Class of 2007
Army, 4 Years

Graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2012 with a degree in Physics with Honors and commissioned as an Infantry Officer.
Graduated from Ranger, Airborne, Jumpmaster and Pathfinder school.
Deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XV and conducted over 100 combat operations.
Currently serving in the 82nd Airborne Division as the 2nd in Command of the 82nd Pathfinder Company.
Brandon Brown
Brandon Brown
Class of 1994
Army, 12 Years

US Army Recruiter Iraq War Veteran
Darren Dix
Darren Dix
Class of 1974
Navy, 20+ Years

Class of 1974
Navy, 20+ Years

Dennis Seeley
Dennis Seeley
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Marine Corps infantry till a promotion to the "STA" unit and after 12 years I became PMO( a cop) and retired with high honors with 6 years of combat exp, 42 medals and ribbons( 3 purple hearts, 1 bronze star, etc. I am now a cop in Chicago, IL ::: I am an UC Det and can email pics- NOT to Chicago!!! d91272@yahoo.com
Dennis Seeley
Dennis Seeley
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

I started out as a regular infantryman. I was promoted and changed "mos"( job) to a STA Marine(((((VERY COOL JOB)))))) I transfered to the reserves after 15 years of active duty, and retired recently. I have been working as a cop in the City of Chicago. I have recently been promoted to a detective in a "Narco" unit as an UC det. I have come along way since High School. I would enclose a photo( except that being undercover requires people to not know our real names and the picture that goes with it. I haven't been that fat kid for 20 years now. If anyone wants to contact me my email is d91272@yahoo.com I can send recent pix( if your not in any of my investigations. )
Esgar E. Jimenez
Esgar E. Jimenez
Class of 2006
Army, 4 Years

Honorable Discharge, Deployed to Iraq as the NCOIC for PSD Platoon for 1-9 Headhunters Squadron 1st Cavalry Division. In last year of college for a bachelors in Technology Forensics. Plans on opening private investigations firm
Michele (Pia) Thomas
Michele (Pia) Thomas
Class of 1976
Army, 40 Years

I joined while in my senior year of HS as part of the delayed entry program. I did my basic training in Fort McClellan, AL, with follow on assignments to Fort Jackson, SC; Fort Dix, NJ; Camp Humphries, Korea; Fort Sill OK; Wuerzburg, Germany. I got off active duty and joined the NJ Army National Guard and deployed with the 50th Combat Infantry Brigade to Bagdag, Iraq. I retired as a Warrant Officer in Dec 2018.

Classmates Spotlight

Westhill High School Classmates

Bob Urban
Class of '74

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School News

Life is great!!!!

I own my own company now and make an immeasurable amount. As far as WHS goes, they were the best years of my life!!! As ...
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Our Westhill High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Westhill High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Stamford are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!