Westminster High School Alumni

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Kathy Martin (Kathy Henderson)

Westminster High School
Class of 1965

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Kathy Henderson - Class of 1965 - Westminster High School
First Name Kathy
Last Name Martin
Maiden Name Henderson
Graduation Year Class of 1965
Gender Female
Current Location California
Relationship Status Married
About Me When my family moved to Westminster, my parents bought a brand new three bedroom home for $1.00 down to veterans, and I think the price of the home was about $6,000.00; with a big corner lot. We were surrounded by cows and bean fields. At that time, our little neighborhood had bondfires, costume parades, and bobbed for apples at Halloween. I attended what was then known as Barber City School, and spent summer days there too in their recreation program, attending vacation bible school, and checking out books from the library in Sigler Park. In those days we played baseball in the street, hopscotch, jumped rope, cowboys and indians - I was always a blond saloon girl named Betty. LOL. I remember these adventures were shared with the Stine kids, Skip Allen, Bill Phelps, Janice Curtis. Those were the days! I went to Johnson Jr. High, and of course WHS. I have fond memories of people and good times during those days (too many to mention). Mrs. Stevens and Mr. Smith, you were my favorites! After high school, I went to Coast College and worked as a psych tech at Fairview Hospital in Costa Mesa. I have been married for 51 years, and raised three sons - no grandchildren.. I have been researching and recording my family history for many years - this is both fascinating and exciting. Like most people, I've had my ups and downs; but overall, I have been blessed, and I am truly thankful. Note: A...(read more)
Kathy Henderson - Class of 1965 - Westminster High School

Class of 1965 Alumni

→ Reunite with 42 class of 1965 alumni that have joined.

Jackie Eber

Jackie Eber
Class of 1965

Ferdie Luna

Ferdie Luna
Class of 1978

Dawn Richards Miles

Dawn Richards Miles
Class of 1971

Pam Viefhaus

Pam Viefhaus
Class of 1963

Kevin Anderson

Kevin Anderson
Class of 1971

Andrew Andrew Tran

Andrew Andrew Tran
Class of 1988

Mariana Koval

Mariana Koval
Class of 1993

Timothy Huntzinger

Timothy Huntzinger
Class of 1983

Jacqueline Kerkhoven

Jacqueline Kerkhoven
Class of 1964

Al Tristan

Al Tristan
Class of 1971

Nancy Chaney

Nancy Chaney
Class of 1972

Laura Shubin

Laura Shubin
Class of 1966

Jo Johnson

Jo Johnson
Class of 1989

Kathleen (kathy) Smith

Kathleen (kathy) Smith
Class of 1969

Joy Mode

Joy Mode
Class of 1975

Mark Blair

Mark Blair
Class of 1975

Juan Pedro Arreola

Juan Pedro Arreola
Class of 1992

Mark Glenn

Mark Glenn
Class of 1973

Cathy Green

Cathy Green
Class of 1982

Clara Rincon-scheil

Clara Rincon-scheil
Class of 1975

Gary Veit

Gary Veit
Class of 1972

Jt Tran

Jt Tran
Class of 2001

Robert White

Robert White
Class of 1968

Wolfgang Balandran

Wolfgang Balandran
Class of 1981

Recent Class of 1965 Reunions

Plan a Class of 1965 Reunion for Free


Invited Classes: All Classes

Date: Oct 13, 2017

Description: REUNION COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chip Kublin Linda Tatroe Lokus Jeannette Williams Glendora Houchin Greenway Ri...(read more)

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Class of 1963 50th reunion

Invited Classes: All Classes

Date: Sep 25, 2013

Description: Hotel rooms should be booked by Aug 25. Please contact Melinda for details. Some people plan to golf others shop and man...(read more)

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