Westmont High School Alumni

Westmont, Illinois (IL)

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Romela Magpayo (Romela Dacayanan)

Westmont High School
Class of 1998

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Romela Dacayanan - Class of 1998 - Westmont High School
First Name Romela
Last Name Magpayo
Maiden Name Dacayanan
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
Occupation currently a fulltime mom
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Being in a choir
About Me Went for college while working. Got married and have cute 2 babies!
Romela Dacayanan - Class of 1998 - Westmont High School

Class of 1998 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 27 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

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Rhonda Reiner
Class of 1983

Maria Bustos

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Class of 1994

Kurt Hofmann

Kurt Hofmann
Class of 1978

Chris Ignasak

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Class of 1991

Jessica Serna

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Class of 1995

Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds
Class of 1987

Wendy Setzer       (greenwald)

Wendy Setzer (greenwald)
Class of 1988

Kevin Gleason

Kevin Gleason
Class of 1978

Tiana Burks

Tiana Burks
Class of 2013

Jason Biliskov

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Class of 2004

Susan Worch

Susan Worch
Class of 1981

Mike Means

Mike Means
Class of 1978

Michelle Bandy

Michelle Bandy
Class of 1994

Jacqueline Richards

Jacqueline Richards
Class of 2000

Paula Meyer

Paula Meyer
Class of 1979

Jane Banaszak

Jane Banaszak
Class of 1989

Christopher Briggs

Christopher Briggs
Class of 1991

David Sacco

David Sacco
Class of 1978

Kathy Reilly

Kathy Reilly
Class of 1965

Michelle Andrus

Michelle Andrus
Class of 1989

Mark Belanger

Mark Belanger
Class of 1991

Shawn Kopinski

Shawn Kopinski
Class of 1993

Iyyanna Gavini

Iyyanna Gavini
Class of 2003

David King

David King
Class of 1993