Weston High School Class Of 1972 59th Reunion
June 18th, 2022 6:00pm
The Redding Roadhouse
406 Redding Road
, Redding
, Connecticut
, 06896
Recommended Hotels
Google: Weston High School Class of 1972 50th class reunion
Register “Free” tickets ($35 @ at door) : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/318575516947
Gregory Gordon '72 said:
Please do not make us older than we are, 59th? This is our 50th reunion.
Rev.Dr.Greg Gordon
Report a ProblemFrank Bolle '73 said:
I believe that’s the 50th reunion, not 59th and invitees are the classes of ‘71, ‘72 & ‘73… sorry ‘81!
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