Wheatland Chili High School Alumni

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Jerry Lattuca

Wheatland Chili High School
Class of 1975

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Jerry Lattuca - Class of 1975 - Wheatland Chili High School
First Name Jerry
Last Name Lattuca
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province NY
Country United States
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory HANGING OUT WITH THE BOYS
Jerry Lattuca - Class of 1975 - Wheatland Chili High School

Class of 1975 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 22 class of 1975 alumni that have joined.

Cheryl Ross

Cheryl Ross
Class of 1974

Colleen Quigley

Colleen Quigley
Class of 1989

Simmie Reagor

Simmie Reagor
Class of 1982

Tami Whitlow

Tami Whitlow
Class of 1985

Patty Krenzer

Patty Krenzer
Class of 1973

Bob Cooper

Bob Cooper
Class of 1967

Diane Harper

Diane Harper
Class of 1976

Gail Stokoe

Gail Stokoe
Class of 1985

Lisa Hall

Lisa Hall
Class of 1993

Julie Scheerens

Julie Scheerens
Class of 1993

Corinne Hirschman

Corinne Hirschman
Class of 1977

Jill Forrester

Jill Forrester
Class of 1976

Jacque Livingstone

Jacque Livingstone
Class of 1981

Pat Magill

Pat Magill
Class of 1966

James Coleman

James Coleman
Class of 2005

Emily Orr

Emily Orr
Class of 2002

Ed Merritt

Ed Merritt
Class of 1975

Barbara Albro

Barbara Albro
Class of 1978

Melody Laffredo

Melody Laffredo
Class of 1980

Philip Campbell

Philip Campbell
Class of 1983

Matt Spence

Matt Spence
Class of 1989

Kim Spoor

Kim Spoor
Class of 1983

Keith Lewis

Keith Lewis
Class of 1992

Neil Steen

Neil Steen
Class of 1982