White House High School Alumni

White House, Tennessee (TN)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

School & Community News

Band Of Pride

Come see the 2008 Band of Pride this Saturday at Lebanon High School. They perform at 3:45pm! We would love to see a bunch of faces there from WHITE HOUSE!!!!

posted September 28th, 2008

Attn Band of Pride Alumni

Want to start playing again? Here is your chance. The Robertson County Community Band is looking for new members. Contact Valerie Morgan Harbin ('90) @ vharbin@bellsouth.net for more information.

posted June 2nd, 2007

WHHS Graduation 2006-07

WHHS 2007 Graduation Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 18, 2007 @ the White House City Park Football Stadium (Dewey H. Whitson Municipal Stadium). The ceremony will begin at 7:00 p.m.

posted April 27th, 2007
The 2015-2016 school year is in full swing at White House High School! The holidays are here along with all of the Blue Devils school events that come with them. Help keep your fellow White House High School alumni informed of events in the community, fundraisers, new staff, grants, sports, safety classes, PTA events and more! Post your White House High School school news here and give your fellow Blue Devils something to read about!

Posting your White House High School news is easy! Enter the title for your article and all the details that explain what is happening. Please refrain from posting reunion information on this page.