Whitney Point High School Alumni

Whitney Point, New York (NY)

AlumniClass Home  >  New York  >  Whitney Point High School  >  Class of 1995  >  Melissa Osborn

Melissa Stanton (Melissa Osborn)

Whitney Point High School
Class of 1995

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No photo uploaded
First Name Melissa
Last Name Stanton
Maiden Name Osborn
Graduation Year Class of 1995
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NY
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1995 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

James M. Hull

James M. Hull
Class of 1984

Mary Catherine Nolan

Mary Catherine Nolan
Class of 1947

Kathy Coish

Kathy Coish
Class of 1981

Janet Bonker

Janet Bonker
Class of 1978

Michael Summers

Michael Summers
Class of 1994

Christopher Heller

Christopher Heller
Class of 1987

Geoffrey Churchill

Geoffrey Churchill
Class of 1982

Greg West

Greg West
Class of 2004

Stephanie Keller

Stephanie Keller
Class of 2000

Melanie Smith

Melanie Smith
Class of 1987

Susanne Troels Hansen

Susanne Troels Hansen
Class of 1991

Nikki Letavish

Nikki Letavish
Class of 1972

Chris Heller

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Class of 1987

Cheryl Frobe

Cheryl Frobe
Class of 1993

Debbie Ellison

Debbie Ellison
Class of 1971

Sergei Ticknor

Sergei Ticknor
Class of 1956

Kelly Dorschel

Kelly Dorschel
Class of 1986

Patricia Edmister

Patricia Edmister
Class of 1973

James Morgart

James Morgart
Class of 1962

Stephanie Fish

Stephanie Fish
Class of 1999

Jane Jetson

Jane Jetson
Class of 1980

Don Corson, Sr.

Don Corson, Sr.
Class of 1977

Debbie Wilcox

Debbie Wilcox
Class of 1978

Bill Aleba

Bill Aleba
Class of 1984