William E. Tolman High School Alumni

Pawtucket, Rhode Island (RI)

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William E. Tolman High School - Class of 1979 Alumni, Pawtucket RI

Join 28 alumni from William E. Tolman High School Class of 1979. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Bruce C Presbrey Bruce C Presbrey

Bruce C Presbrey Bruce C Presbrey
Class of 1979

Darlene Conley

Darlene Conley
Class of 1979

George Neves

George Neves
Class of 1979

Brenda Machado

Brenda Machado
Class of 1979

John Haggerty

John Haggerty
Class of 1979

Edward Plant

Edward Plant
Class of 1979

Valerie Vaslet

Valerie Vaslet
Class of 1979

Roger Champagne

Roger Champagne
Class of 1979

Claire Beach

Claire Beach
Class of 1979

Ed Lefort

Ed Lefort
Class of 1979

Gordon Radley

Gordon Radley
Class of 1979

Peter Furlong

Peter Furlong
Class of 1979

Merideth Bernard

Merideth Bernard
Class of 1979

Tom Conlon

Tom Conlon
Class of 1979

Cheryl Howard

Cheryl Howard
Class of 1979

John Campbell

John Campbell
Class of 1979

Valerie Robitaille

Valerie Robitaille
Class of 1979

Holly Mccutcheon

Holly Mccutcheon
Class of 1979

Lori Dawson

Lori Dawson
Class of 1979

Lori Tardif

Lori Tardif
Class of 1979

Erin Donovan

Erin Donovan
Class of 1979

Cynthia Martitz

Cynthia Martitz
Class of 1979

Mary Laranjo

Mary Laranjo
Class of 1979

Teresa Ajami

Teresa Ajami
Class of 1979

Sharon Shabo

Sharon Shabo
Class of 1979

John Brzozowski

John Brzozowski
Class of 1979

Don Newberg

Don Newberg
Class of 1979

Albert Separe

Albert Separe
Class of 1979

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