Williamsport High School Alumni

Williamsport, Pennsylvania (PA)

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Alvin Funke (Alvin Alvin Funke)

Williamsport High School
Class of 1985

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→ There are 79 classes, starting with the class of 1917 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Alvin
Last Name Funke
Maiden Name Alvin Funke
Graduation Year Class of 1985
Gender Male
No photo uploaded

Class of 1985 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 12 class of 1985 alumni that have joined.

James Dandridge

James Dandridge
Class of 1997

Russ Lowmiller Russ Lowmiller

Russ Lowmiller Russ Lowmiller
Class of 1968

Tom Berry

Tom Berry
Class of 1963

Tim Brown

Tim Brown
Class of 1978

Kevin Kontz

Kevin Kontz
Class of 1997

Tony Curry

Tony Curry
Class of 1962

Scott Mues

Scott Mues
Class of 1979

Alice Frye

Alice Frye
Class of 1960

Ints Dzelzgalvis

Ints Dzelzgalvis
Class of 1955

Susan Diehl

Susan Diehl
Class of 1969

Mary Mincemoyer

Mary Mincemoyer
Class of 1966

James Stavoy

James Stavoy
Class of 1969

Lachelle Stryker

Lachelle Stryker
Class of 2003

Margaret Webb

Margaret Webb
Class of 1967

John Hula

John Hula
Class of 1964

Joseph Morehart

Joseph Morehart
Class of 1998

James W. Fink

James W. Fink
Class of 1963

Darla Girton

Darla Girton
Class of 1989

Linda Weidenhamer

Linda Weidenhamer
Class of 1964

Lawrence (larry) Pfleegor

Lawrence (larry) Pfleegor
Class of 1978

Shawn Seabold

Shawn Seabold
Class of 1996

William Clarkson Clarkson

William Clarkson Clarkson
Class of 2001

Jodie Dawes

Jodie Dawes
Class of 1986

Courtney Hampton

Courtney Hampton
Class of 2008