Williamsport High School Alumni

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Keith Bashnick

Williamsport High School
Class of 1993

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Keith Bashnick - Class of 1993 - Williamsport High School
First Name Keith
Last Name Bashnick
Graduation Year Class of 1993
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province NY
Country United States
Occupation Emergency room, Intensive care tech. Drum Instruction
Married Yes
About Me Worked with both Child psych, and Adult Psych on acute lock down facilities, Advanced both on and off stage with my music career. Worked in the medical community in Emergency rooms and psychiatric faciliti...(read more)
Keith Bashnick - Class of 1993 - Williamsport High School

Class of 1993 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 12 class of 1993 alumni that have joined.

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Class of 1958

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Class of 1965

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Class of 1996

Jim Fargus

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Class of 1965

Richard Allen

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Class of 1957

Gabrielle Snyder

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Class of 1974

Ellen Sykes

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Class of 1964

Dale Harris

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Class of 1973

Jennifer Ruhl

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Class of 1989

Betty Smith

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Class of 1968

Louis Sholder

Louis Sholder
Class of 1964

Donna Moon

Donna Moon
Class of 1973

Arthur G Arthur G Gibbs

Arthur G Arthur G Gibbs
Class of 1969

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William Lupole

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Class of 1964

Jennifer Knowlden

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