Wilmot High School Alumni

Wilmot, Wisconsin (WI)

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Beckie Preston (Beckie Flynn)

Wilmot High School
Class of 1975

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No photo uploaded
First Name Beckie
Last Name Preston
Maiden Name Flynn
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OR
Country United States
Occupation Housewife
Married No
Favorite School Memory just going to school
About Me looked for my dad who went to school in Wisconsin in 1944
No photo uploaded

Class of 1975 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

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Mark Kaskin
Class of 1980

William Preuss

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Pauline Hart

Pauline Hart
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Leah Jones

Leah Jones
Class of 2007

Keith Van Patten

Keith Van Patten
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Michelle Prouty

Michelle Prouty
Class of 1999

Patty Speer

Patty Speer
Class of 1992

Kathy Robers

Kathy Robers
Class of 1985

Geno Falletti

Geno Falletti
Class of 1998

Daniel Jackson

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Class of 1984

Ron Peterson

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Pat Weinberg

Pat Weinberg
Class of 1961

Bob Barker

Bob Barker
Class of 1979

Joseph Egan

Joseph Egan
Class of 1993

Andy Nordmeyer

Andy Nordmeyer
Class of 1983

Bob Kettell

Bob Kettell
Class of 1974

Kelly Proschwitz- Tassone

Kelly Proschwitz- Tassone
Class of 1984

Elliot Malzahn

Elliot Malzahn
Class of 1992

Amy Richardson

Amy Richardson
Class of 1997

Dennis Jeffes

Dennis Jeffes
Class of 1961

Bryan Regnier

Bryan Regnier
Class of 2000

Cynthia Stanislawski

Cynthia Stanislawski
Class of 1965

Roxanne Maywald

Roxanne Maywald
Class of 1975

Dena Jones

Dena Jones
Class of 1985