Wilson Area High School Alumni

Easton, Pennsylvania (PA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

School & Community News

Wislon Alumni Association

New rates! No Echo, 1 year, $10, 3 years, $20. With Echo, the same as stated below! Also see new phone number.

For the past year the Wilson Area Partners in Education Foundation has been developing the Wilson Alumni Association. The goal of the Alumni Association is to reach out to all WHS alumni to reestablish contact with our school. Members receive an Echo (including and Alumni page) every time it is published, a memento of our school, and notices of special events. All for $20/year, $50 for 3 years. Call or email John Breidinger for information at 484 788 1074 or jbreid@rcn.com

posted July 13th, 2014

Wilson Alumni Association

For the past year the Wilson Area Partners in Education Foundation has been developing the Wilson Alumni Association. The goal of the Alumni Association is to reach out to all WHS alumni to reestablish contact with our school. Members receive an Echo (including and Alumni page) every time it is published, a memento of our school, and notices of special events. All for $20/year, $50 for 3 years. Call or email John Breidinger for information at 610 865 3721 or jbreid@rcn.com

posted February 25th, 2010
The 2015-2016 school year is in full swing at Wilson Area High School! The holidays are here along with all of the Warriors school events that come with them. Help keep your fellow Wilson Area High School alumni informed of events in the community, fundraisers, new staff, grants, sports, safety classes, PTA events and more! Post your Wilson Area High School school news here and give your fellow Warriors something to read about!

Posting your Wilson Area High School news is easy! Enter the title for your article and all the details that explain what is happening. Please refrain from posting reunion information on this page.