Woodlake High School Alumni

Woodlake, California (CA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Christina Morales
Christina Morales
Class of 1991
Air Force, 10 Years

I was in the 1C3X1 (Command and Control Specialist) for the 33 FW at Eglin AFb in Florida. It was a high stress job and we worked many long and tiresome schedues. I've seen and heard things I would rather not have been exposed to. All in all; my experience in the military was a positive one and I will search for work to help Vets now coming home and seeking assistane.
Christina Morales
Christina Morales
Class of 1991
Air Force, 10 Years

I was in the 2S0X1 and 1C3X1 career fields. I was at work when 9-11 happened and found that my job was integral to the overall flow of information to the base commanders. I was lucky enough to not have to deploy but the experience of those days and weeks have made me one tough cookie. My husband and I both retired from Eglin AFB in Florida and we now reside with other retirees in San Antonio, TX.
Darrel McFarland
Darrel McFarland
Class of 1958
Navy, 20+ Years

Flew over 150 combat missions in Grumman E-2B from Aircraft Carrier USS Constellation during Viet Nam war. Was Command Master Chief Of Aircraft Carrier USS Forrestal 1979-1981
Ernesto Rodriguez
Ernesto Rodriguez
Class of 2008
National Guard, 12 Years

U.S. Army California National Guard, Operation Enduring Freedom 12-13 Veteran, Motor Transport Operator
Gary Bennett
Gary Bennett
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years

I spent my career as a Navy Journalist. Among my assignments were tours with Armed Forces Radio and Television detachments, Stars and Stripes Newspapers, Contruting Editor of Recruiter Magazine and as an admiral's speech writer. I also spent seven years as a Public Affairs Officer in the Recruiting Command. In addition to my Navy time I spent eight years in the Air Force.
James D. Deitz
James D. Deitz
Class of 1953
Air Force, 20+ Years

Special Agent
Air Force Office of Special Investigations
James D. Deitz
James D. Deitz
Class of 1953
Air Force, 20+ Years

Special Agent - Air Force Office of Special Investigations
James Deitz
James Deitz
Class of 1953
Air Force, 20+ Years

Air Force Office of Special Investigations. Counter-espionage specialty
Jason Dice
Jason Dice
Class of 1994
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

I served over 20 years in the Marine Corps. Deployed multiple times for combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have visited some great countries and made some great friends. I have visited some bad countries and made plenty of enemies. In the end, I did what I did because I was in the right place, at the right time, with the right tools to get the job done.
Jerry M. Byrd
Jerry M. Byrd
Class of 1956
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Lt Col Jerry M Byrd served in the USMC fromor 1960 until his retirement on his birthday, 1 Dec 1980. He was a combat officer in Vietnam and did postgraduate work in electronics at the Naval School in Monterey, CA. Jerry passed away on 19 Jan 2011.
Jesse Hernandez
Jesse Hernandez
Class of 1975
Army, 3 Years

Served over sea's in Germany, with an armored cav unit 1976-1978
Rafael Arreguin
Rafael Arreguin
Class of 1968
Air Force, 20+ Years

Joined the USAF 1971. Currently retired in Lompoc ca.

aka; Ralph Arreguin Jr.
Stanley A. Jaceks
Stanley A. Jaceks
Class of 1967
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Enlisted 22 January 1968. Retired as a Senior Chief Petty Officer on 1 July 1988.
Stanley Jaceks
Stanley Jaceks
Class of 1967
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Period of active duty - January 1968 to July 1988
Ted Heckathorn
Ted Heckathorn
Class of 1956
Army, 3 Years

US Army Counterintelligence Corps, Special Agent, 1961-1965. Fort Holabird, Baltimore, MD and Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah

Classmates Spotlight

Woodlake High School Classmates

Robert Gomez
Class of '79

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Our Woodlake High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Woodlake High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Woodlake are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!