Wossman High School Alumni

Monroe, Louisiana (LA)

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Latonya Scott (Latonya Windsor)

Wossman High School
Class of 1987

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→ There are 59 classes, starting with the class of 1941 all the way up to class of 2021.


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First Name Latonya
Last Name Scott
Maiden Name Windsor
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province VA
Country United States
Occupation US Navy
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Football and basketball season. Having basketball practice during 6th period.
About Me Joined the Navy and traveled to different countries. Partied, and enjoyed life.
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Class of 1987 Alumni

→ Reunite with 42 class of 1987 alumni that have joined.

Frank Jones

Frank Jones
Class of 2006

Mariko Bradford

Mariko Bradford
Class of 1993

Jamie White

Jamie White
Class of 2004

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown
Class of 1998

Lillie Loring

Lillie Loring
Class of 1996

Felicia Green

Felicia Green
Class of 1990

Vicky Thomas

Vicky Thomas
Class of 1975

Olivia Hill

Olivia Hill
Class of 1997

Cnhundra Jenkins

Cnhundra Jenkins
Class of 1999

Glenn Glenn Stamper

Glenn Glenn Stamper
Class of 1970

Brenda Fike

Brenda Fike
Class of 1977

Dale Zimmerman Jr.

Dale Zimmerman Jr.
Class of 1997

Kenneth Vonner

Kenneth Vonner
Class of 1985

Kennith None

Kennith None
Class of 1979

Telicifer Moore

Telicifer Moore
Class of 1988

Marilyn Presley

Marilyn Presley
Class of 1982

Leanne Whelan

Leanne Whelan
Class of 1985

Lydetra Dunn

Lydetra Dunn
Class of 1993

Tobi Butler

Tobi Butler
Class of 2000

Monica Guillory

Monica Guillory
Class of 2000

Vitus Vitus  Shell

Vitus Vitus Shell
Class of 1996

Nathan Boley

Nathan Boley
Class of 2003

Victoria Miles

Victoria Miles
Class of 1995

Stephanie Medaries

Stephanie Medaries
Class of 1992