Zion-benton High School Class Of 1972 50th Reunion
September 16th, 2022 5:30pm
(ending September 17th, 2022)
ZB Moose Club
41517 N Sheridan Rd
, Zion
, Illinois
, 60099
ticket prices
Price covers both Friday & Saturday night events - $72.00
One night attendance only - $40.00
Invited Classes
All Classes
About Event
Friday night venue will be at the ZB Moose club/41517 N Sheridan Rd/Zion Il 5:30 PM. Food and Live Music provided by Jerry Baldy, Tom Rutledge and friends.. Saturday night venue will be held at the Kenosha Womens Club/6028 8th Ave/Kenosha WI 6PM. Dinner, Trivia etc.
Fran Lawler '72 said:
if you are only able to attend one of the 2 nights...the price is $40.
attendance for both nights is $72.
Please advise what night(s) you will be attending.
Checks may be made out to ZBTHS Class of 72 and mailed to ZBTHS Class of 72
c/o Fran McCormick
2403 5th Street
Winthrop Harbor, IL 60096
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